Arc thermal spraying

Arc spraying is a thermal spraying process that uses an electric arc between two consumable electrodes of the surface material as a heat source. It is a cost-effective, high-yield coating process that is typically used for thick coatings and surface repair applications. It can also produce high-quality metal coatings such as molybdenum, aluminum, nickel aluminum and zinc for wear and corrosion protection.

Arc wire can be used to produce a variety of surface finishes. The process uses a dual wire system with positive and negative charges, and then uses high pressure air or gas to atomize and propel the coating onto the work surface.

Why Arc Spray Coatings?
Zinc, zinc/aluminum, and aluminum metallic coatings are anodic to steel. Galvanized and arc spray coatings protect steel in exactly the same way: they provide a protective anodic layer on the steel. Because the coatings are anodic, they sacrifice themselves to absorb Mother Nature’s corrosive forces on the steel. Arc spray coatings are slightly different from galvanizing in that they produce a more porous and purer coating, whereas galvanizing tends to absorb iron into the coating. Arc spray coatings have no iron in them. Additionally, porous arc spray coatings readily accept a sealant coating. The sealant will penetrate the coating, minimizing exposure and slowing down the dissolution process caused by the electrochemical corrosion protection of the steel. The end result: the life of the arc spray coating far exceeds the expected life of galvanizing, and the amount of zinc exposed to dissolution is controlled by the sealant, providing over 50 years of corrosion protection to the steel. Aluminum or zinc-aluminum alloys also provide electrochemical protection to steel. These materials can provide even longer life protection in extremely corrosive environments. These materials have lower solubility than pure zinc; however, they may provide adequate protection for steel in more corrosive anodic couples.

We offer comprehensive, cost-effective arc wire spray capabilities, enabling our customers to improve operational efficiency and reduce maintenance costs through our surface technology services.


  • High-quality, cost-effective solutions
  • Strong, dense surface treatment
  • Grip and non-slip surface
  • Low process temperature
  • High material output per hour
  • Resistant to various corrosive environments


  • Axle repair
  • Wire drawing block
  • Wear-resistant air flow components
  • Boiler tubes
  • Coal pulverizer parts
  • Bearing fit reconstruction